How Do I File a Claim with Travel Insurance?


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If you're thinking of filing a claim with your travel insurance, you'll need to take action quickly. Claims must happen within 30 days of the incident and must be filed within 24 hours of the incident in order for it to count as a valid claim. To begin the process, follow these steps:

-Contact your insurance company through phone or online chat. They will ask you what happened and what type of expense is involved. Let them know if there's anything else that's important that they should be made aware of, like whether or not you are claiming on behalf of someone else (if so, they'll need their name and address).
-Let them know where you would like payment sent (this can be a bank account or Amazon/paypal account).
-Settle the cost of your claim. If you are using your insurance for a refundable flight, you will need to contact the airline directly.
-After filing your claim, wait for a response from your insurance company regarding their decision on your claim. Many insurance companies will call or email immediately, while others take up to 2 weeks to get back with you. Remember that it's not an immediate process and wait at least 2 weeks before getting in touch again; that way you can be certain they haven't forgotten about you.