Student Health Insurance in the Netherlands

Donna Junior

Active member
Whether you're studying abroad for the first time or you're looking for new health insurance, you'll need a plan that offers coverage for both basic and supplemental needs. If you have a preexisting medical condition, you may also want to consider supplemental health insurance.

Basic healthcare insurance

Taking out basic student healthcare insurance in the Netherlands is a must for international students. You can find out more about the requirements here. Depending on your income, you may qualify for financial health benefits from the government. The government offers health care benefits on a sliding scale for people earning less than *29,500 euros.

For the most part, the health insurance market in the Netherlands is fairly transparent. There are more than 150 insurance companies that offer coverage. Each provider offers a different level of coverage, so make sure you compare plans from different providers.

The best way to compare plans is to check the provider's website for details. Some insurers offer free benefits such as dental accident insurance. Also, some providers cater to students' needs.

Supplementary health insurance

Whether you are an international student, a graduate or an employee, you will need to have supplementary health insurance for your stay in the Netherlands. The health care system in the Netherlands is complex, so it is important to understand the differences between the different policies and to make sure you are covered.

For international students, supplementary health insurance can provide additional coverage, such as physiotherapy or dental care. In some cases, you can choose a policy with a lower premium. You can also compare different policies to see which is right for you.

The best thing about supplementary health insurance for Dutch students is that you can choose the policy that fits your needs best. There are policies that cover more medical treatments, such as physiotherapy, dental care, and birth control pills. You can also opt for a policy that has a higher deductible, which will reduce the amount you pay each month.

Coverage for pre-existing medical conditions

Having adequate coverage for pre-existing medical conditions is important to students coming to study in the Netherlands. A basic Dutch public health insurance package known as basispakket covers most healthcare services. In addition to this, there are various other add-ons that can help you get faster hospital treatment.

Health insurance companies in the Netherlands work under government regulations, and consumers can choose from a wide range of supplementary insurance packages. All residents of the Netherlands are legally required to have health insurance coverage, and are recommended to arrange insurance well in advance. The Dutch health insurance market is regulated to be fair and open.

There are two basic types of health insurance: public and private. Public health insurance in the Netherlands is compulsory for all residents. You can register with a local municipality and obtain a citizen service number (Zorgverzekeringslijn or Zvw).

Study abroad checklist

Whether you are an international student or an international worker in the Netherlands, you need to ensure you are covered by health insurance. This is not something you want to take lightly. If you are unable to get insurance from your home country, you can obtain coverage through your national healthcare system or through a private health insurance plan.

International students who will be staying in the Netherlands for more than three months will need to obtain a resident permit. Once they have this permit, they can apply for a student visa. Those who will be staying in the Netherlands for more that four months will need to register at the local town hall.

If you plan on working during your study abroad period, you will also need to get a work permit. This permit will allow you to work part-time while you study. In order to obtain this permit, you will need to apply for an international health insurance plan. You will also need to provide proof of your accommodation in the Netherlands.