The best apps to help you save money on your cable bill

Learners Quest

Valued Contributor
Cable bills can be a real budget buster, but there are a few apps out there that can help you save some serious cash. Check out our top three picks below.

1.’s Cable Bill Negotiator

If you’re not happy with your current cable bill, this app will help you negotiate a better rate with your provider. All you have to do is enter your current bill amount and let the app do the rest. You’ll be surprised at how much you can save!

2. Truebill

Truebill is a great all-in-one money saving app that can help you lower your cable bill, as well as your other monthly expenses. Just enter your bills and income, and the app will work to get you the best rates possible. You can even set up automatic bill payments so you never have to worry about late fees again.

3. Trim

Trim is another great app for negotiate better rates on your monthly bills, including your cable bill. Just enter your bill amount and let Trim do the rest. You’ll be amazed at how much you can save!