What is renters insurance and do college students need it?


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As a college student, you may be wondering if you need renters insurance. Renters insurance is a type of insurance that helps protect your belongings in the event of a covered loss, such as fire, theft, or damage from a natural disaster. It can also provide liability coverage if someone is injured while on your property.

While your parents may have homeowners insurance, this will not cover your belongings while you are away at college. If you live in a dorm or off-campus apartment, you will need your own renters insurance policy.

Renters insurance is relatively inexpensive and easy to obtain. You can get a quote from your parents' insurance company or shop around for a policy that fits your needs and budget.

So, do college students need renters insurance? The answer is yes! If you have any belongings that you want to protect, you should consider getting a renters insurance policy.