Is It Good To Be In Debt?


Active member
I guess a lot of people are in debt. Most times, it may not be their wish but we realize that there is nothing we can do about that.

Do you think it is good to be in debt? No! It is not nice because your mind will always be there and you may not be able to focus on other things. I know how it feels. Whenever I am in debt, my mind is not always at rest.

But I have noticed that sometimes, we just have to be in debt because we need to get a particular thing or do something entirely.

Let me ask you this, is debt a good thing?


Active member
@Bisolami it is not our choice to be in debt, as there are some urgent cases like medical operation and our revenue doesn't be able to cover the cost of operation for us or a relative, then people take loan for this case and pay for long term.