merits of direct taxes


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1.Direct taxes are more equitable: this is especially true of personal income tax which is usually graduated according to their ability to pay.
The burden of taxation Falls more heavily on those with higher income that is,those who can afford to pay.
by taking a higher percentage of income from those with higher incomes income is redistributed toss distance to lead to a Greater social harmony.
2.they are usually cheap to collect:the cost of collecting Direct taxes is relatively small compared to the total amount collected as tax and this is especially true of personal income tax and also that is usually collected as source and making collection and economical.
3.Direct taxes are convenient to those who pays. Most Direct taxes are due when the taxpayer can afford to pay. Work is usually pay at the end of each week or month and the tax is deducted before payment is made and also they know how much they will pay and care for plan how to spend their disposable incomes.
4.Direct taxation is anti-inflationary: in other words it can be used to combat inflation in economics for example if there is an inflationary trend in the economy personal income tax can be increased and also this reduce people's disposal income.