Ways of submitting final funeral insurance application


Valued Contributor
They are different ways you can apply for your final funeral application it varies with different insurance company. However, you will get a physical paper copy of your policy once the insurance company has accepted your application.

The different application submission are;

Through Website signature.
This is where the agent will compile information needed from the insured to complete the application. The insured can then log into the insurance website via a special access code that your agent will provide to see the application to verify that everything is accurate.

When the accuracy is verified the insured will click a button to apply a electronic signature and that's it.

Security question signature.

With this style of application submission the agent will gather all the information of the insured to fill the health questions. The insured signs the the application verbally by answering a security question. The process can take few minutes

Voice signature application

This is a phone interview taken by both the insured and the agent. The application is done using the voice. There’s no paperwork to sign.as all the process will be concluded with the phone call.

Email signature Application
The agent here will get all the information to fill out for the insured email will be sent by the insurer and the application signed with the clicks. The process is about 2 business days.

Paper application
This isn't common but it can be done .The agent gets all your information to fill out the application.The papers created is sent to the insured address to sign and return them to our office. Process takes about 2 business days.

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