Why You Need a 4 Fund Portfolio?


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A 4 fund portfolio is an investment strategy that involves investing in just four different types of funds. The four funds are typically a large cap stock fund, a small cap stock fund, an international stock fund, and a bond fund.

The Benefits of a 4 Fund Portfolio

There are several benefits to investing in a 4 fund portfolio. First, it is a very diversified way to invest, which means that you are less likely to experience large losses in any one particular type of investment.

Second, because you are only investing in four different types of funds, it is much easier to manage your investments and keep track of your performance than if you were invested in dozens or even hundreds of different stocks or other securities.

Finally,4 fund portfolios tend to be very low cost compared to other investment strategies, which means that more of your money stays in your pocket instead of going towards fees and commissions.